We are pleased to share the draft final agenda for the upcoming ERMES Plenary 2024, taking place on November 12 and 13, 2024. You can access the agenda by clicking here.
Please note that we have extended the first day of the Plenary session until 17:30.
Below, you will find the details for each day's session, including the focus topics:
ERMES is considering holding a hybrid (in-person/online) Plenary 2023 meeting on Thursday 28 September from 12:30 – 17:00 at the Joint S&E TAP Conference in Goteborg.
The EU Horizon 2020 funded City Air Remote Emission Sensing (CARES) project will be hosting an online stakeholder workshop on 17 May 2023 from 14:00 – 15:45 CET.
This online event will present key results and discuss potential use of different remote sensing techniques for monitoring real-world vehicle emissions performance and enforcing compliance with exhaust pollutant standards.
About us
The European Research for Mobile Emission Sources (ERMES) is a group of research institutions, competent authorities, industry associations, whose mission includes the support of cooperative research in the field of transport emission modelling, policy, and practice.