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    Papers and Reports




CO2 and energy consumption

Real world fuel and energy consumption of passenger cars and vans, including PHEV and BEV, with attention for WLTP and E10
Energy efficiency of modern conventional vehicles in the Netherlands and Europe
Models for prediction real-world fuel consumption of passenger cars: (MILE21 project)

Emission factors

Adaption of emission factors in 2021 (Dutch)
Augmented Emission maps, a new approach to emission modelling, with emission maps publicly available

NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery emissions)

Possible effects of different forms of PTI for mobile machines
Emission monitoring and testing of mobile mchines


The Dutch government presented her vision on Euro-7 legislation, which was accompanied by a report by TNO regarding HD usages with high NOx emissions

Particle matter

TNO contribution to the relation between particle exhaust emissions and particle matter concentrations in ambient air

Green Vehicle Index (GVI)

Analysis of the emission performance of the vehicles tested for the Green Vehicle Index (GVI) project

Construction of new homes emissions and mobile sources emissions

A comparison between the emissions deriving from the construction of new homes and those from mobile sources outside the building sector (NL)

Reducing NOX emissions from road traffic and mobile machines

Exploration of options for reducing NOX emissions from road traffic and mobile machines

Particulate matter in exhaust gas (air quality/ health)

Aspects of particulate matter in exhaust gas for air quality and health

Emission Monitoring and Periodic Inspection (EMPK) of construction machines

Pilot project Emission Monitoring and Periodic Inspection (EMPK) of construction machines

About us

The European Research for Mobile Emission Sources (ERMES) is a group of research institutions, competent authorities, industry associations, whose mission includes the support of cooperative research in the field of transport emission modelling, policy, and practice.